I'm a LAMP guy and ended up working this small news module for an asp.net site, which I am having some difficulty with. I basically am adding and deleting elements via AJAX based on the id. Before, I had it working based on the the index of a set of elements, but would have issues deleting, since the index would change in the xml file and not on the page (since I am using ajax).
Here is the rundown
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<article id="1">
<title>Red Shield Environmental implements the PARCSuite system</title>
<story>Add stuff here</story>
<article id="2">
<title>Catalyst Paper selects PARCSuite for its Mill-Wide Process...</title>
<story>Add stuff here</story>
<article id="3">
<title>Weyerhaeuser uses Capstone Technology to provide Control...</title>
<story>Add stuff here</story>
Page sending del request:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.del').click(function () {
var obj = $(this);
var id = obj.attr('rel');
{ id: id },
function () {
<a class="del" rel="1">...</a>
<a class="del" rel="1">...</a>
<a class="del" rel="1">...</a>
My functions
protected void addEntry(string title, string story)
XmlDocument news = new XmlDocument();
XmlAttributeCollection ids = news.Attributes;
//Create a new node
XmlElement newelement = news.CreateElement("article");
XmlElement xmlTitle = news.CreateElement("title");
XmlElement xmlStory = news.CreateElement("story");
XmlAttribute id = ids[0];
int myId = int.Parse(id.Value + 1);
id.Value = ""+myId;
xmlTitle.InnerText = this.TitleBox.Text.Trim();
xmlStory.InnerText = this.StoryBox.Text.Trim();
protected void deleteEntry(int selectIndex)
XmlDocument news = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode xmlnode = news.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(selectIndex);
I haven't updated deleteEntry() and you can see, I was using the array index but need to delete the article element based on the article id being passed. And when adding an entry, I need to set the id to the last elements id + 1. Yes, I know SQL would be 100 times easier, but I don't have access so... help?