




I'm finishing my masters degree in cs, I have the option to do a thesis project. I'm having a hard time coming up with a project that is interesting to me. I'd like to do something that is free and useful for others.

I've worked for a few mobile startups now and one thing that seems pretty common is the lack of really killer customer support tools. I've used zendesk and others, but these don't quite seem to be tailored to all the people writing apps for multiple devices (android, bb, iphone).

I was thinking of writing a system that's tailored to individuals or startups in the situation where they have the same app ported to multiple devices. Something really simple to use, easy to add developers into the customer response flow. That's the biggest issue I've seen.

Anyone seen any apps really customized for this? Hate to just reinvent the wheel and make something people can't really benefit from. If there's already something really good for it, anyone have any other good masters thesis project ideas!

Any ideas welcome, thanks.