I have a component called a TableDataViewer that contains the following pieces of data and their associated set functions:
private var _dataSetLoader:DataSetLoader;
public function get dataSetLoader():DataSetLoader {return _dataSetLoader;}
public function set dataSetLoader(dataSetLoader:DataSetLoader):void {
trace("setting dSL");
_dataSetLoader = dataSetLoader;
private var _table:Table = null;
public function set table(table:Table):void {
trace("setting table");
_table = table;
_dataSetLoader.load(_table.definition.id, "viewData", _table.definition.id);
This component is nested in another component as follows:
<ve:TableDataViewer width="100%" height="100%" paddingTop="10" dataSetLoader="{_openTable.dataSetLoader}"
Looking at the trace in the logs, the call to set table is coming before the call to set dataSetLoader. Which is a real shame because set table() needs dataSetLoader to already be set in order to call its load() function.
So my question is, is there a way to enforce an order on the calls to the set functions when declaring a component?