




I would like to export the Bash Shell Automation Script Project to a GUI Project which can run in both Windows and Linux.

Which Programming Language would be better suited for this ? Any suggestion would be really helpful.




Whichever one you feel most comfortable with. Mono allows C# to be used for this sort of thing; Java is supported on both platforms. I'm sure others can be suggested. But stick where you're most comfortable.

David M

You can't really 'export' it. I don't know if you can really 'port' it without inheriting all the problems that non-trivial shell scripts usually accrue.

It's best you rewrite your application in a cross platform language like Python, Perl, Java etc. (choose what you're comfortable with as DAvid suggested). I'd recommend a 'scripting' language since the original script was in shell, it'll mirror it more closely rather than a compiled language like C or C++. For a cross platform GUI library, there's TK (ugly but quick to get working using Python or other such languages), WX (my recommendation) or Qt (as ChristopheD suggested).

Noufal Ibrahim
Thanks, Python looks like a good choice for me.
Python is indeed the better choice for cross platform development.
Shyam, that depends on what you're planning to do but being cross platform *is* one of it's advantages.
Noufal Ibrahim
Kiran, Please accept the answer you're happy with (assuming they answer your question).
Noufal Ibrahim

Not sure if this really answers your question but...

If you are looking to develop a GUI application that will work cross platform that sounds like a good place for Java. The SWT platform (developed by the eclipse people) allows you to create a GUI that will look native on most platforms (windows, mac, many favors of unix/linix).


But as the two other poster pointed out usually it is faster to work with what you know.


Qt would be a very good choice.

Qt is basically a great tool for rapid GUI development across multiple platforms.

PLUS U get to code in C++ which, i am assuming, is what U would ideally use in ur project.

A good place to start would be "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, Second Edition"

( Google it to download a pdf version ;-) )

Good Luck!!
