



+1  Q: 

Assembly-> Gui??

Hey all;

Is there any way to link an application programmed in TASM ASSEMBLY to a windows form application or any kind of GUI?


+1  A: 

You can mix assembly with C (and probably nearly other language). The most generic way would be to write a DLL in assembly, then call this DLL from the GUI program. In C, you can also directly link the program with an object file produced by an assembler, as long as you follow the C conventions.

This tutorial does a good job of explaining the C conventions, but uses NASM: http://drpaulcarter.com/pcasm/.

You should note that TASM is really dated, and I suspect that few people still use it beside teachers.

Bastien Léonard
I can confirm that you can also link in [some] object files generated with an assembler with the Delphi compiler/liker.

First of all, why are you using assembly? If you're coding on a platform that's powerful enough to run a modern OS, you definitely should be able to develop in a higher level language.

If you're doing crazy optimization, it's usually best to only write the parts that need the optimization in a lower level language and use a higher level one for stuff like GUI. Create a library in ASM, and link it to your GUI app built in your favourite high level language.

If you really want to know how to create a Windows GUI via ASM, you'll need to use the Windows API to create it. MSDN should get you starter: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383749.aspx

Matti Virkkunen
Why not asm? It is the most pure language there is (other than straight machine code). Doing Win UI in asm is not hard, you just don't have the benefit of lots of libraries or a visual designer to help you.