I'm trying to evaluate an expression stored in a database i.e.
"if (Q1 ==2) {result = 3.1;} elseif (Q1 ==3){result=4.1;} else result = 5.9;"
Rather than parsing it myself I'm trying to use the DLR. I'm using version .92 from the Codeplex repository and my solution is a .NET 3.5 website; and I'm having conflicts between the System.Core and Microsoft.Scripting.ExtenstionAttribute .dll's.
Error =
Description: "'ExtensionAttribute' is ambiguous in the namespace 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices'.",
File: "InternalXmlHelper.vb"
At this time I cannot upgrade to .NET 4.0 and make significant use of the .net 3.5 features (so downgrading is not an option).
Any help greatly appreciated.