




The docs for django.core.files.File imply I can do this: print File(open(path)).url but the File object has no attribute 'url' However, django.db.models.fields.files.FieldFile extends File and does have all the attributes described in the docs for File, but I can't create one without giving it a model field.
All I want it something that does what the docs for django.core.files.File (link above) say it does, take a python file and give it attributes like 'url' and 'path' and 'name', can anyone help?

Cheers, Jake


If you derive from file then you can give it any attributes you like:

class MyFile(file):
  def foobar(self):
    print 'foobar'

f = MyFile('t.txt', 'r')
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Yes, but the django docs say that django.core.files.File does that and gives it attributes like url, I realise I could write one myself to do that, but if I can use a django class it would be better.
+1  A: 

Regardless of what the Django doc says, if you look at the code for the File class, I don't see it there. Following Ignacio's suggestion, you can derive from the Django File and use the MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL settings to implement the property you're looking for...

from django.core.files import File
from django.conf import settings

class UrlFile(File):
    def _get_url(self):
        root_name = self.name.replace(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, '')
        return '%s%s' % (settings.MEDIA_URL, root_name)
    url = property(_get_url)
T. Stone

Thanks Guys. I've solved my problem by writing a custom class, it's not as powerful as the Django one would be if I could use it, but it works for my current application. I'll open a ticket about the docs.
