



Consider i have a registartion table and there is field prefLocationId and it contains value like this 1,2,3,2,1,4 and so many.... And i have a table prefLocation which looks like this

Id LocationName
1  Chennai
2  Mumbai
3  Kolkatta
4  Delhi

and i want to select record of users and show values like

Chennai,Mumbai,Kolkatta,Mumbai,Chennai,Delhi and so on...

+2  A: 

It must be table prefLocationId, not field and then you can select something like

SELECT pref.*,group_concat( 
FROM pref, prefLocationId, prefLocation 
WHERE pref.LocationId=prefLocationId.pref and
Col. Shrapnel
+1  A: 

Answered in this StackOverflow post...

Indolent Code Monkey
That is definitely not going to help. His data is already essentially the result of a group by type query.
Rob Van Dam
I see what you mean. This is only part of the solution. You also need a way to split on comma in your first table.
Indolent Code Monkey

I almost don't want to do this but there is an answer. Only, its about the worst possible thing I could imagine doing. You should really consider Col. Shrapnel's answer and split your values off into a separate table. But for the sake of completeness:

  SELECT registration.*, GROUP_CONCAT( AS prefLocationNames
    FROM registration
    JOIN prefLocation ON FIND_IN_SET(prefLocation.Id, registration.prefLocationId) > 0

This will be VERY slow in comparison to what you would get if you split registration.prefLocationId because there's absolutely no way for this to use any indexes.

Rob Van Dam