





  1. We know that we can use a concept "Java Package" but I just wanted to know that whether Android has provided a DLL or DLL like concept where we can write a most of the functionality.

  2. Or can we use Activity for serving a purpose of DLL.

Can any one tell me is there any concept like DLL on Android OS? Can we develop a DLL for better modularization and other benefits on Android?

Thanks and Regards, Prashant.


Using Android NDK you can create native code libraries from C/C++ code.

I may be wrong but I think the OP is asking about Java libraries.
Jim Blackler
Thanks Now i am near to conclusion of above doubt just few things remains - 1. Definitely we can use Android NDK at Library layer at Android Architecture, which serves DLL purpose. Now I wanted to know that can we do at Application Layer using some concept.2. I have read in Android document that, we can use Activity which services required dedicated facility.
.so files at the native layer, .jar files at the java layer
Donal Rafferty

I am not sure why you are specifically looking for DLL, What I realise is that you need something like a library for Code Reuse. Java Packages(jar files) serve the same purpose of modularization.

If you want to code in C++ look into Android NDK and create a .so file(Linux equivalent for DLL)

May be u are looking for some sort of content provider which can help you with sharing across applications.

Yes even i am thinking the same as you. And I am not looking exactly for DLL but similar concept using which i can take an advantages of performance, memory utilization and reuse of code. Also Android NDK is at Library Layer. I want at Application Layer of Android Architecture.