




href="http://www.torontolife.com/daily/daily-dish/restauranto/2010/03/10/best-new-restaurants-2010-james-chatto-names-five-honourable-mentions/">Best new restaurants 2010: honourable mentions

does django have built in mechanism to format links above i mean words joined with hypens

how can i achieve this ?

+3  A: 

The "words joined with hypens" thing you're talking about is known as a slug. It is a unique string identifier used to access a specific resource.

Django does provide support for using this type of resource-to-URL mapping.

  • There is a built in SlugField which you can use to store the unique string for each resource
  • Django's url routing scheme supports "accepting" slugs

To get started doing something like this, you're going to need to understand how the Django framework works overall. I'd recommend checking out the Django Book. It includes a full (and free) tutorial to get you started on how to use these types of things.

T. Stone
+4  A: 

At a lower level, Django provides a function to transform an arbitrary string into a slug:

>>> from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
>>> print slugify('Hello, World!')

And because slugify is a default template filter, you can always use this in your templates like so:

{{ foo.name|slugify }}
Will McCutchen