I apparently have an dead lock problem in one of my applications and started investigating EurekaLog stack traces. Here's one recent:
Call Stack Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |*Exception Thread: ID=14208; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |7C82860C|ntdll.dll | | |KiFastSystemCall | | |7C827D27|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForSingleObject | | |77E61C96|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForSingleObjectEx | | |77E61C88|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForSingleObject | | |77E61C7B|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForSingleObject | | |004151C4|MyApp.exe |sysutils.pas |TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer|WaitForWriteSignal |16740[1] | |004151BC|MyApp.exe |sysutils.pas |TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer|WaitForWriteSignal |16740[1] | |0041522C|MyApp.exe |sysutils.pas |TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer|BeginWrite |16818[57] | |004323FB|MyApp.exe |Classes.pas |TDataModule |Create |11357[1] | |004323C0|MyApp.exe |Classes.pas |TDataModule |Create |11356[0] | |007D744D|MyApp.exe |uRORemoteDataModule.pas |TRORemoteDataModule |Create |163[1] | |007D7434|MyApp.exe |uRORemoteDataModule.pas |TRORemoteDataModule |Create |162[0] | |007DBFAB|MyApp.exe |Sentrol_Impl.pas | |Create_Sentrol |85[1] | |00646952|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROInvoker |CustomHandleMessage |726[11] | |00407BFA|MyApp.exe |system.pas |TInterfacedObject |_AddRef |17972[1] | |00404934|MyApp.exe |system.pas |TObject |GetInterface |9003[8] | |00407B1C|MyApp.exe |system.pas | |_IntfClear |17817[1] | |00404966|MyApp.exe |system.pas |TObject |GetInterface |9009[14] | |004048E8|MyApp.exe |system.pas |TObject |GetInterface |8995[0] | |00407BD7|MyApp.exe |system.pas |TInterfacedObject |QueryInterface |17964[1] | |77E61680|kernel32.dll | | |InterlockedDecrement | | |00407C10|MyApp.exe |system.pas |TInterfacedObject |_Release |17977[1] | |00407B2C|MyApp.exe |system.pas | |_IntfClear |17824[8] | |004067DF|MyApp.exe |system.pas | |_FinalizeArray |15233[100]| |00407B1C|MyApp.exe |system.pas | |_IntfClear |17817[1] | |00646577|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROClassFactoryList |FindClassFactoryByInterfaceName|619[17] | |77E6166C|kernel32.dll | | |InterlockedIncrement | | |00407BFA|MyApp.exe |system.pas |TInterfacedObject |_AddRef |17972[1] | |00646B72|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROInvoker |HandleMessage |758[1] | |006460C5|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas | |MainProcessMessage |512[98] | |00645BAC|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas | |MainProcessMessage |414[0] | |00647184|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROMessageDispatcher |ProcessMessage |929[2] | |00647130|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROMessageDispatcher |ProcessMessage |927[0] | |00647BCF|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROServer |IntDispatchMessage |1328[27] | |00647ABC|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROServer |IntDispatchMessage |1301[0] | |0064782F|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROServer |DispatchMessage |1170[11] | |006477B4|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROServer |DispatchMessage |1159[0] | |006477A9|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROServer |DispatchMessage |1152[1] | |0064779C|MyApp.exe |uROServer.pas |TROServer |DispatchMessage |1151[0] | |00659CB6|MyApp.exe |uROLocalServer.pas |TROLocalServer |SendRequest |57[1] | |00659CA4|MyApp.exe |uROLocalServer.pas |TROLocalServer |SendRequest |56[0] | |0065A009|MyApp.exe |uROLocalChannel.pas |TROLocalChannel |IntDispatch |99[10] | |005EE540|MyApp.exe |uROClient.pas |TROTransportChannel |Dispatch |1884[36] | |005EE3FC|MyApp.exe |uROClient.pas |TROTransportChannel |Dispatch |1848[0] | |005EEC8F|MyApp.exe |uROClient.pas |TROTransportChannel |Dispatch |2134[27] | |00616EC8|MyApp.exe |PCCS_Intf.pas |TSentrol_Proxy |GetNewValues |6585[7] | |007CBDB9|MyApp.exe |ETAROConnectionForm.pas |TROConnectionForm |SyncSentrolUpdateTimerTimer |855[16] | |7C82ABE5|ntdll.dll | | |RtlTimeToTimeFields | | |004D5D9C|MyApp.exe |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc |5063[0] | |004DA05B|MyApp.exe |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc |7304[111] | |7C81A3AB|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | | |0042659C|MyApp.exe |Classes.pas |TThreadList |UnlockList |3359[1] | |00426598|MyApp.exe |Classes.pas |TThreadList |UnlockList |3359[1] | |004935BC|MyApp.exe |Graphics.pas | |FreeMemoryContexts |5060[12] | |00493524|MyApp.exe |Graphics.pas | |FreeMemoryContexts |5048[0] | |004D9799|MyApp.exe |Controls.pas |TWinControl |MainWndProc |7076[6] | |004329F4|MyApp.exe |Classes.pas | |StdWndProc |11583[8] | |7739C09A|USER32.dll | | |CallNextHookEx | | |004B1343|MyApp.exe |ExtCtrls.pas |TTimer |Timer |2281[1] | |00404A30|MyApp.exe |system.pas | |_CallDynaInst |9159[1] | |004B1227|MyApp.exe |ExtCtrls.pas |TTimer |WndProc |2239[4] | |004329F4|MyApp.exe |Classes.pas | |StdWndProc |11583[8] | |7739C42C|USER32.dll | | |GetParent | | |7739C45C|USER32.dll | | |GetParent | | |773A16E0|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | | |773A16D6|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | | |004CC234|MyApp.exe |Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |8105[23] | |004CC138|MyApp.exe |Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |8082[0] | |004CC26E|MyApp.exe |Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |8124[1] | |004CC264|MyApp.exe |Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |8123[0] | |004CC563|MyApp.exe |Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |8223[20] | |004CC4B0|MyApp.exe |Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |8203[0] | |007F18B3|MyApp.exe |MyApp.dpr | | |215[65] |
The stack trace seems to be ok until first TTimer call, after that it contains some garbage(?), however the end contains the the lock which seems be holding the main thread.
Can I trust this stack trace? If not, what can cause this and how I can avoid it?
Any ideas about the dead lock based on this stack trace? I don't quite understand how creating a datamodule can dead lock..
I'm using Delphi 2007.
Edit: I found one case where DbExpress connection was shared between main thread and thread created by RemObjects. After fixing that and some minor things the application has been running now over 12 hours without problems. I'll wait a day or two to see if the problem has really disappeared.