So, while you can't specify the strokes in css, you can specify the properties of the strokes, ie:
protected var strokeColor:Number;
protected var fillColor:Number;
override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void{
//you really ought to do this in a switch statement
strokeColor = getStyle("areaStrokeColor");
fillColor = getStyle("areaFillColor");
<mx:AreaSeries styleName="timeArea" name="A" yField="A" areaStroke="{myStroke}" areaFill="{myFill}" />
<mx:SolidColor id="myFill" color="{fillColor}" alpha=".3"/>
<mx:Stroke id="s1" color="{strokeColor}" weight="2"/>
And your CSS would look like (where myAreaChart is the styleName set on the parent area chart):
areaFillColor: #f3f3f3;
areaStrokeColor: #333333;