Hi All, I am devloping a windows forms application and am using sql server 2005 database as my backend. I am having an xml column in my database. I am using ultrawingrid control in my application.I obtain the xml of the dataset which is bound to my ultrawingrid control and pass that as a parameter value to the stored procedure where am inserting this value into the xml column which I specified. The columns in my grid are dynamic and hence there can be any no of columns in my grid. I got 'out of memory' exception in the dataset.GetXml() statement since there were more no of columns I believe.So, what I did is that I used dataset.WriteXml() method and stored all the xml contents into an xml file, loaded the xml file into the XmlDocument object and then passed the xmlnodereader as the value to the stored procedure parameter.Now, while executing the stored procedure am getting the same 'out of memory' exception. How could I resolve this issue?