



Right now i have a line of code, in vb, that calls a text file, like this:

Dim fileReader As String
    fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("data5.txt")

data5.txt is a resource in my application, however the application doesn't run because it can't find data5.txt. I'm pretty sure there is another code for finding a .txt file in the resource that i'm overlooking, but i can't seem to figure it out. So does anyone know of a simple fix for this? or maybe another whole new line of code? Thanks in advance!


I'm assuming that the file is being compiled as an Embedded Resource.

Embedded Resources aren't files in the filesystem; that code will not work.

You need to call Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream, like this:

Dim fileText As String
Dim a As Assembly = GetType(SomeClass).Assembly
Using reader As New StreamReader(a.GetManifestResourceStream("MyNamespace.data5.txt"))
    fileText = reader.ReadToEnd()
End Using
Why was this downvoted?
Why do people keep giving this answer? Resources are exposed as strongly typed properties within `Properties.Resources`.
@Will: Only if you add it to a ResX file.
+1  A: 

If you added the file as a resource in the Project + Properties, Resources tab, you'll get its content by using My.Resources:

Dim content As String = My.Resources.data5

Click the arrow on the Add Resource button and select Add Existing File, select your data5.txt file.

Hans Passant
Only if you add it to a .RexX file.
@SLaks only if you add it to the project like any normal .NET developer. Its a lot easier to do it that way than to right-click on the file, set it to compile as a resource, then use your pointlessly complex method of getting a resource stream.
@WIll: Correct. ResX files are much easier.