I am stuck in converting this snipped to asp.net.
set RSLinksCat = conn.Execute("select linkscat.id, linkscat.category from linkscat, contentlinks, links where contentlinks.linksid = links.id and contentlinks.contentid = " & contentid & " and links.linkscatid = linkscat.id order by linkscat.category")
<%if not RSLinksCat.EOF then%><h1>Links</h1>
<br />
<%do while not RSLinksCat.EOF%>
<%set RSLinks = conn.Execute("select * from links where linkscatid = " & RSLinksCat("id") & "")%>
<%do while not RSlinks.EOF%>
<a href = "http://<%=RSLinks("url")%>" target="_blank"><%=RSlinks("description")%></a>
<br />
<%end if%><%conn.close%>
I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone recommend the correct approach i.e sqldatareaders or repeaters or arrays or sqldatareaders or? VB code samples most welcome.