




I learned SQL at a local college using a small SQL book, it had a baby blue hard cover, and was probably around 100-150 pages. It was in 1992 or 1993 that I took the course.

It was, as I recall, not related to any specific SQL tool - very generic.

It did a great job of explaining the basics and I really wish I could find it again.

I think this is the book:

SQL, Structured Query Language
Carolyn J. Hursch, Jack L. Hursch

However, I can't find an image to be sure... still looking...

+3  A: 

The best I can think of is to search here on Google Books for it. You may be able to identify it better than I. I hope this helps you find it.


How about this? Another Google Book Link

They speak of Hursch and Hursch 1988 SEQUEL (which was a forerunner to SQL I believe) IBM stuff. This is beginning to look promising.

1988: Hursch and Hursch? Found something else at: http://tinyurl.com/6q2bac

That more closely reflects what you've remembered the title to be.

Optimal Solutions
This is so awesome, +1 for trying. ;) Unfortunately, not here.
Gave it a shot. Hope you find it. It's gotta be there, seems like everything is out there somewhere! :-)
Optimal Solutions
1988: Hursch and Hursch? Found something at:http://tinyurl.com/6q2bac
Optimal Solutions

Newer editions might have increased the number of pages and changed the front page. Any chance this is what you are looking for?

Select Sql: The Relational Database Language

Update: One more try :) SQL (Visual QuickStart Guide)

i give up. good luck!!