I have a class that i want to instantiate thru castle in configuration.
public class MyMappings : IMappings
Mapping FirstMapping { get; set; }
Mapping SecondMapping { get; set; }
OtherType ThirdMapping { get; set; }
OtherType FourthMapping { get; set; }
Mapping FifthMapping { get; set; }
OtherType SixMapping { get; set; }
In my configuration i have the following:
< component id="mymappings" type="MyMappings, MyAssmebly" >
< parameters>
< firstMapping>${anothercomponentIDForCompomentOftypeMapping}< /firstMapping>
< /parameters>
< /component>
The problem i am facing is that is assigning the same value to all properties of the same type, completly ignoring the name of the parameter. This properties are optional, i just want to initialize the value for one of them.