



I would like to schedule a batch job in which a can execute a move of data between two workspace application in Hyperion Fusion Edition for Oracle. The tool provided is called 'Data Synchronization' This tool allows for this type if activity to occur upon request via the workspace environment.

  • How might I do this automatically?

I noticed there is a Batch Scheduler for which I can request command line batch file to run at a pre-specified time. However, I do not know what resources are available to show me how to do this for the Data-Synchronizations.


A batch script can be created according to the rules outlined in the following user guide document at Oracle.

Please note the command class to accomplish this is the DIMSYNCHRONIZATION class.

The following is an example used in the guide:

 execute datasynchronization
 parameters(DataSynchronizationName, _
            DataTransformationOperator, _
            DataTransformationValue, _
            FileName, _
            UploadFile, _
            ValidateOnly, _
 values('CommaSync3', _
        '*', _
        '1.2345', _
        '', _
        'false', _
        'false', _

DataSynchronizationName must be a valid name of your pre-created Data Synchronization This can be created through workspace using:

 Navigation Button --> Administer --> Data Synchronization

DataTransformationOperator Can be '' to ensure no transformation occurs on the data This would typically be used if the source application is in a different precision than the destination application; such as in thousands. On transfer you have the opportunity to adjust the values accordingly to match the source and destination applications.

DataTransformationValue Can be '' to ensure no transformation occurs.

FileName and UploadFile can be '' to ensure the source of the synchronization is not a file.

ValidateOnly can be true or false depending on if you want to only validate the data synchronization or execute it. (True for Validate False for Execute)

WaitForCompletion can be true or false depending on if you want the code to wait for process to complete before going onto the next item in the batch script. (True for Wait, False for starting thread and continuing onto the next item)

Curtis Inderwiesche

I've tried to execute with a batch script a Data Synchronization :

set workspaceurl=http://localhost:19000/workspace; set bpmaserverurl=http://localhost/hyperion-bpma-server;

login admin,password;

Execute DataSynchronization Parameters(DataSynchronizationName, DataTransformationOperator, DataTransformationValue, FileName, UploadFile, ValidateOnly, WaitForCompletion) Values('Test','','','','Donnees.csv','false','true');


How to solve the following error :

2010-05-21 10:10:20,141 ERROR java.lang.NullPointerException.


I'm not sure if your post is a question or a response. If question, possibly posting your own question would help, otherwise, I'm not sure if your script works due to the error you noted. Can you confirm this script works?
Curtis Inderwiesche