



I'm trying to do a very simple search from a list of terms

terms = ['term1', 'term2', 'term3']

How do I programmatically go through the list of terms and construct the "conditions" from the list of terms so that I can make the query using filter and or_ or _and?

e.g. query.filter(or_(#something constructed from terms))
+1  A: 

Assuming that your terms variable contains valid SQL statement fragments, you can simply pass terms preceded by an asterisk to or_ or and_:

>>> from sqlalchemy.sql import and_, or_
>>> terms = ["name='spam'", "email='[email protected]'"]
>>> print or_(*terms)
name='spam' OR email='[email protected]'
>>> print and_(*terms)
name='spam' AND email='[email protected]'

Note that this assumes that terms contains only valid and properly escaped SQL fragments, so this is potentially unsafe if a malicious user can access terms somehow.

Instead of building SQL fragments yourself, you should let SQLAlchemy build parameterised SQL queries using other methods from sqlalchemy.sql. I don't know whether you have prepared Table objects for your tables or not; if so, assume that you have a variable called users which is an instance of Table and it describes your users table in the database. Then you can do the following:

from sqlalchemy.sql import select, or_, and_
terms = [ == 'spam', == '[email protected]']
query = select([users], and_(*terms))
for row in conn.execute(query):
    # do whatever you want here

Here, == 'spam' will create an sqlalchemy.sql.expression._BinaryExpression object that records that this is a binary equality relation between the name column of the users table and a string literal that contains spam. When you convert this object to a string, you will get an SQL fragment like = :1, where :1 is a placeholder for the parameter. The _BinaryExpression object also remembers the binding of :1 to 'spam', but it won't insert it until the SQL query is executed. When it is inserted, the database engine will make sure that it is properly escaped. Suggested reading: SQLAlchemy's operator paradigm

If you only have the database table but you don't have a users variable that describes the table, you can create it yourself:

from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, Column, String, Boolean
metadata = MetaData()
users = Table('users', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('name', String),
    Column('email', String),
    Column('active', Integer)

Alternatively, you can use autoloading which queries the database engine for the structure of the database and builds users automatically; obviously this is more time-consuming:

users = Table('users', metadata, autoload=True)
Any suggestions on where to look to figure out how I can create "valid and properly escaped SQL fragments" from a list of strings?
Andrew Kou
I searched the SQLAlchemy documentation for a while, but it looks like this is not really the proper way to do it with SQLAlchemy. Instead of building SQL fragments yourself, you should let SQLAlchemy build parameterised SQL queries using other methods from `sqlalchemy.sql`. I will extend my answer shortly to provide more details.
+1  A: 

If you have a list of terms and want to find rows where a field matches one of them, then you could use the in_() method:

terms = ['term1', 'term2', 'term3']

If you want to do something more complex, then or_() and and_() take ClauseElement objects as parameters. ClauseElement and it's subclasses basically represent the SQL AST of your query. Typically you create clause elements by invoking a comparison operator on Column or InstrumentedAttribute objects:

# Create the clause element
clause = (users_table.columns['name'] == "something")
#    you can also use the shorthand

# The clause is a binary expression ...
#    <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.expression._BinaryExpression'>
# ... that compares a column for equality with a bound value.
print(type(clause.left), clause.operator, type(clause.right))
#    <class 'sqlalchemy.schema.Column'>, <built-in function eq>,
#    <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.expression._BindParamClause'>

# str() compiles it to SQL
# = ?

# You can also do that with ORM attributes
clause = ( == "something")
# = ?

You can handle clause elements representing your conditions like any Python objects, put them into lists, compose them into other clause elements, etc. So you can do something like this:

# Collect the separate conditions to a list
conditions = []
for term in terms:
    conditions.append( == term)

# Combine them with or to a BooleanClauseList
condition = or_(*conditions)

# Can now use the clause element as a predicate in queries
query = query.filter(condition)
# or to view the SQL fragment
# = ? OR = ? OR = ?
Ants Aasma
+1  A: 

well I had quite the same issue here:

terms = ['one', 'two', 'three']
clauses = or_( * [Table.field == x for x in terms] )
query = Session.query(Table).filter(clauses)

Do you like this?
