




I need to set the size of an absolutePanel regarding to its child size, but the getOffset* methods return 0 because (i think) the child has not been displayed yet.

A Quick example:

AbsolutePanel aPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
HTML text = new HTML(/*variable lenght text*/);
int xPosition = 20; // actually variable
aPanel.add(text, xPosition, 0);
aPanel.setSize(xPosition + text .getOffsetWidth() + "px", "50px"); // 20px 50px

I could also solve my problem by using the AbsolutePanel size to set the child position and size:

AbsolutePanel aPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
aPanel.setSize("100%", "50px");
HTML text = new HTML(/*variable lenght text*/);
int xPosition = aPanel.getOffsetWidth() / 3; // Once again, getOffsetWidth() returns 0;
 aPanel.add(text, xPosition, 0);

In both case, i have to find a way to either:

  • retrieve the size of a widget that has not been displayed
  • be notified when a widget is displayed
+2  A: 

I think you should try to solve this with css styles. If I were you, I would try to set a style for parent and/or absolute panel, using addStyle or addStyleNames. Maybe something like...

AbsolutePanel aPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
aPanel.setSize("100%", "50px");
HTML text = new HTML(/*variable lenght text*/);

in css you would create a css style which would then size your widget appropriately.

The other approach would be....

You could create a function that creates a HTML widget exactly the size you need.

Here's some code for you, to get you started:

public native void customizeHTMLElement(Element elem, String widthInPx) /*-{ 
  elem.style.width = widthInPx;   //this is basically pure js. 

Then somewhere within your widget make a call to the above function like

public void foo() {
  customizeHTMLElement(someElement, "20");

Some info about JSNI - http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideCodingBasicsJSNI.html

Actually there are several widgets in my AbsolutePanel with specific size and positions.As the size and positions are not fixed (data dependant) I can't use a css...
Could you describe what kind of widgets are used - basically provide some more details about the problem you are facing - I might come up with some other solution. What I'm thinking of at the moment is native js methods, which I am very confident would work - but I think it would be better if you somehow managed to use out css styling.
I need to create a widget that represent events in time.So i'm using a HTML widget to represent each occurence of those events (could also be a HorizontalPanel containing a descriptor widget) with position = startDate and width = Duration of the event.As the AbsolutePanel.add() method only takes int for pixel position, i can't work with percentage. So i need a reference size in pixel, either from the AbsolutePanel or one of the occurences.
I think you should go for native js.. you can use gwt's jsni for that.You could create a function that creates a HTML widget exactly the size you need.Here's some code for you, to get you started:public native void customizeHTMLElement(Element elem, String widthInPx) /*-{ elem.style.width = widthInPx; //this is basically pure js. }-*/ Then somewhere within your widget make a call to the above function likepublic void foo() { ... customizeHTMLElement(someElement, "20"); ...}Some info about JSNI - http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideCodingBasicsJSNI.html
Works fine, i used percentages like this:elem.style.left = start + "%";elem.style.width = size + "%";elem.style.height = "100%";
I'm glad this worked for you. :)