



I am developing a navigation menu in silverlight that has 6 images. As you mouseover each image grows and clicking on an image will take you to a page on the website. The customer I am doing this for decided that straight rectangular images were boring and I showed him a design where I have slanted each image so each one is now a rhomboid shape. Horizontal top and bottom with sides slanting about 30deg from vertical.

I have been unable to figure out any way of growing each image on mouseover without putting a white block over the adjacent images. Would be grateful for any pointers.


If your images are PNGs with Transparency, why are you getting white blocks?

Normally the only issue to worry about is Z-order if adjacent options get larger, which you can fix by parenting all the buttons on a canvas and animating the Z-order as well as the scale.

Hope this helps.

Enough already