



I'm looking to accomplish the following effect in C#:

alt text

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

+2  A: 

Looks like a fairly standard edge detection algorithm. Wikipedia has some info on that. There are quite a few algorithms:

+1  A: 

Hello Friend,

You might try the AForge Image Processing Library

Here's a project that will enable you to determine if AForge Image Processing is what you need.

Try doing a Floyd-Steinburg Binarization and then a Homogenous Edge detection... or some combination thereof.

+1  A: 

I know your asking about C#, but if you don't find an existing C# implementation - perhaps you could port this to C#. It's written in Java, but it's open source. Having some code to start with seems like it would be nice.

There are multiple other filters also...

Here is their result:


Steve K