



i want a utf8 collation for supporting all the below languages : English , Persian , Arabic , French , japanese , chinese

I heared that UTF8_GENERAL_CI can support all these Langs,is it right?

+3  A: 

yes, that is correct. utf8 is an encoding for the character set unicode, which supports pretty much every language in the world.

i think the only difference comes with sorting your results, different letters might come in a different order in other languages (accented, umlauts, etc.)—also comparing a to ä might behave differently in another collation

the _ci suffix means sorting and comparison happens case insensitive might be of interest to you

Thank you so much buddy :)one more question : you mean if i select utf8_general collation,then it will be a problem to sort my records both in English and Persian or other Langs?
armin etemadi
english and french should sort pretty much the same, i don't know about the other ones (persian, arabic, japanese, chinese), because they don't use the normal english characters. how do you like them to sort? after english letters, inbetween, before? know what i mean?
no,i mean to sort persian chars in its means the same way as sorting english alphabets like A,B,C, it gonna work wrong with this collation?
armin etemadi
collations can be changed after database/table creation, so it shouldn't really be a problem to select a different one if the sorting goes wrong. but i guess it will work the way you intend it to