



I need to preserve tab characters from a textarea through POST Data. It seems that there's no way to differentiate tabs from spaces in the $_POST array, and this is really frustrating me.

I'm using a jQuery plugin from here to allow for tab and shift+tab usage within a textarea.

The jQuery plugin is using this as its Tab character:

$.fn.tabby.defaults = {tabString : String.fromCharCode(9)};

For some reason, it shows an individual space instead of each tab character, so all my code formatting is lost:

<textarea name="field0" rows="26" cols="123"><?php
    echo $_POST['field0'];

This also doesn't work. Apparently the tabs disappear before the data even reaches the str_replace function (the first double quotes is the result from when I press TAB in my text editor):

<textarea name="field0" rows="26" cols="123"><?php
    echo str_replace("    ", "\t", $_POST['field0']);

The reason I need tabs and not multiple spaces is because my application includes on-line code editor.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm guessing the solution would involve modifying the data with javascript before it's sent through POST, but I haven't the slightest idea how to start.

+3  A: 

Well it's a bit like killing an ant with a bazooka but you can use the base64 encoding before POST the data:

and decode it with:

It should work really nice but it's increase a lot the size of your request.

or you can just substitute "\t" with "\\t" using jQuery before the POST and substitute back with the PHP
Thank you very much. I tried the other \t or tab <=> space conversions but they didn't work cross browser. The Base64 is a bit slower, but actually re-displays the correct data even in Internet Explorer.EDIT: Actually, the Base64 thing doesn't re-encode correctly for some reason in Firefox. I'm trying to figure out why... And yes, my document is using UTF-8.
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