



Hello everyone, I have a linq query that populates a list of designers. since i am using the filters below my sorting is not functioning properly.

My question is with the given code below how can i best sort this List after the fact or sort while querying?

I have tried to sort the list after the fact using the following script but i receive a compiler error:

 List<TBLDESIGNER> designers = new List<TBLDESIGNER>();
 designers = 'calls my procedure below and comes back with an unsorted list of designers'
 designers.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.FIRST_NAME, y.LAST_NAME));

Query goes as follows:

List<TBLDESIGNER> designer = null;

using (SOAE strikeOffContext = new SOAE())
   //Invoke the query
   designer = AdminDelegates.selectDesignerDesigns.Invoke(strikeOffContext).ByActive(active).ByAdmin(admin).ToList();


public static Func<SOAE, IQueryable<TBLDESIGNER>> selectDesignerDesigns =
        CompiledQuery.Compile<SOAE, IQueryable<TBLDESIGNER>>(
        (designer) => from c in designer.TBLDESIGNER.Include("TBLDESIGN")
                      orderby c.FIRST_NAME ascending
                      select c);

Filter ByActive:

public static IQueryable<TBLDESIGNER> ByActive(this IQueryable<TBLDESIGNER> qry, bool active)
        //Return the filtered IQueryable object
        return from c in qry
               where c.ACTIVE == active
               select c;


Filter ByAdmin:

public static IQueryable<TBLDESIGNER> ByAdmin(this IQueryable<TBLDESIGNER> qry, bool admin)
    //Return the filtered IQueryable object
    return from c in qry
           where c.SITE_ADMIN == admin
           select c;


Thanks in advance, Billy

+3  A: 

There's a lot going on in your post, but I'm choosing to answer the asked question:

Linq - How to sort a list

Use the declarative OrderBy and ThenBy methods.

designers = designers
  .OrderBy(td => td.FirstName)
  .ThenBy(td => td.LastName)
David B
Thanks Dave. This is exactly what i ended up using.
Billy Logan