Okay, so the way I see it, there are two ways to approach this problem:
Go about writing a program that will approach this problem head first. This is going to be difficult.
But combinatorics teaches us that the easier way to do this is to count all permutations and subtract the ones that don't satisfy your constraints.
I would go with number 2.
You can find all permutations of a given string or list by using this algorithm. Using this algorithm, you can get a list of all permutations. You can now apply a number of filters on this list by checking for the various constraints of the problem.
def L_before_O(s):
return (s.index('L') - s.index('O') == 1)
def N_after_L(s):
return (s.index('L') < s.index('N'))
def G_and_P(s):
return (abs(s.index('G') - s.index('P')) == 2)
def all_perms(s): #this is from the link
if len(s) <=1:
yield s
for perm in all_perms(s[1:]):
for i in range(len(perm)+1):
yield perm[:i] + s[0:1] + perm[i:]
def get_the_answer():
permutations = [i for i in all_perms('GHLOPSN')] #N is the news tape
a = [i for i in permutations if L_before_O(i)]
b = [i for i in a if N_after_L(i)]
c = [i for i in b if G_and_P(i)]
return c
I haven't tested this, but this is general idea of how I would go about coding such a question.
Hope this helps