



I know a bit of MVC, I want to start a project in MVC 2 and a good book would be really helpful.

MVC 2 is though really young, so not a lot of books have come out for it.

Have you read any ASP.NET MVC 2 book? If so, how was it?


Manning's published "Asp.Net MVC in Action" is your answer.

This is for MVC 1.0, if I'm not mistaken.
Dan Dumitru
Correct. ASP.NET MVC 2 in Action should be released this summer, but some chapters are already available in the Manning Early Access Program:
Kristof Claes
+7  A: 

Steve Sanderson has his next book coming out soon: Pro ASP.NET MVC V2 Framework.

The first book comes highly recommended but I'm waiting for this MVC 2.0 version to be published.

David Neale
Developer Art
Waiting eagerly for it..
The book is great. Tons of information. I'll probably read this several times and it'll get a permanent spot on my desk :-)
I read the first one ... I thought it was the best of the MVC 1 books.
I've actually ended up reading both and would highly recommend the new one.
David Neale

A review of ASP.Net MVC in Action (the version 1.0) edition and Beginning ASP.NET MVC 1.0 which is also a version 1 book but seems to be reasonable intro.

Sorry, but this is also off-topic. The question is clear, I think, I know MVC 1.0 stuff, I want to see some feedback on **MVC 2.0** books.
Dan Dumitru
+1  A: 

I'd recommend ASP.NET MVC 2 in Action from Manning.

+1  A: 

Programming Microsoft ASP.NET MVC by Dino Esposito is my favorite. It covers ASP.NET MVC2 and Visual Studio 10. Has great samples, goes pretty deep on the internals, gives good samples of building your own customized controller factories, html helpers, various view engines etc.

The Apress books that I have looked at are simple re-hashes and the Wrox books tend to have a lot of erratta IMO.
