



Hello, I have a password hash that is stored in a table and is put there by the following coldfusion script-


I am trying to add some outside functionality within a c# application. I would like to be able to take advantage of the data that already exists so that I can authenticate users. Does anyone know how I can replicate the above coldfusion code in c#?

Thanks for any thoughts.

+3  A: 

MD5 is the default hashing algorithm for the hash(). I'm not a C# programmer, but it shouldn't be too hard to create an MD5 hash to compare to your ColdFusion result.

As for encrypt(), is there a reason you're encrypting the username before hashing it? I can't think of any benefit to doing this, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. I would simply do:

Hash( UCase( GetPass.username ) )

Which should be easier to replicate in C#.

I agree, the encryption is trivial, at best.
Ian P
But, his data already includes it, so he's looking for an answer where he can utilize is already "encrypted" data.
Edward M Smith
yeah - the data is already there, so I am just trying to use it.
+1  A: 

One of the solutions would be to have the DB do the hashing and encription, could be easier...

yeah - that would be easier. unfortunately, I didn't write the initial application, and don't want to change it.
+2  A: 

The default "encryption" in CF is simply an XOR:

ciphertext = base64_encode(plaintext ^ key)

So, to decrypt:

plaintext = base64_decode(ciphertext) ^ key

The default hash, as mentioned, is md5.


Well, further research shows this is not true - just one of those pervasive myths.

I can't find any documentation of the actual algorithm for the CFMX_COMPAT encryption method.

Sorry about the wild goose chase.

Edward M Smith
I guess it all boils down to the value of the variable `EnCode`.
Right, that's just the key. I'm sure the OP has access to it in his CF source code.
Edward M Smith
I can't seem to get this to match up. I tried narrowing it down on a test CF page to just do the encrypt (and ignore the hash), but I still can't get the encrypted CF value to match up to my encrypted c# value. I used a straight base64 encrypt in my c# app. I saw somewhere that CF also performs a uuencode as part of the encryption - is there any truth to this?
You're doing the XOR in the C#, and not getting the same result?
Edward M Smith
+2  A: 

To build on the answer by Edward Smith, and the follow-up comments by czuroski, here is my solution.

First, you need an XOR function in C#, which I've taken from here and modified slightly.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace SimpleXOREncryption
    public static class EncryptorDecryptor
        public static string EncryptDecrypt(string textToEncrypt, int key)
            StringBuilder inSb = new StringBuilder(textToEncrypt);
            StringBuilder outSb = new StringBuilder(textToEncrypt.Length);
            char c;
            for (int i = 0; i < textToEncrypt.Length; i++)
                c = inSb[i];
                c = (char)(c ^ key);
            return outSb.ToString();

Then, take the result of the XOR and base-64 encode it. After you have that string, MD5 hash it. The result should match the result from the original code snippet:

Adam Tuttle
Thanks - I have tried this but it still isn't working. Actually, the key that I have is actually a string - not an int, so I don't know if that is throwing it off, or if I have to use the key for the base-64 encoding. to base-64 encode it, am I able to simply use Convert.ToBase64String, or not?
According to the [docs](, the string passed in is used as a random seed to generate the integer key value. Unfortunately, I don't have any more information on exactly how it gets that value. If I were in your shoes, I might consider (1) removing the encryption from existing passwords (simple enough with a one-time script), and (2) rewriting the existing CF code to no longer use encryption. Hashing is sufficient, and encryption is wasting cpu in this case, in my opinion.
Adam Tuttle
yeah - I agree that it is wasting cpu, but this is a suppoted application and I am not able to change that right now. So I have to attempt to decrypt it myself, but have been having no luck.
If you really have to do this, take a look at the Railo source code (and licensing info). It has CFMX_COMPAT algorithm you may be able to port to C#.
Good idea, Leigh. @czuroski: The download link for Railo Open Source (the source, not the binary) is [at the bottom of this page](
Adam Tuttle
I will check that out - thanks.
For anyone reading, I emailed with czuroski offline and we did get a C# port of the Railo classes working.
As Leigh stated above, he was able to help me get a port of the Railo classes working successfully.