




I learned programming on the job via high-level languages. I'm trying to gain a better understanding of the lower-level workings of computing and picked up "Design of the UNIX Operating System" by Maurice Bach.

What do I need to know in terms of which topics in this book may not be relevant to understanding Linux nuts and bolts? Is there a newer book or Linux-specific book that I should read instead? I really like the clarity of this particular book, though.


There are a couple of books about the Linux kernel, though they seem to have peaked about five years ago (or maybe longer ago than that) and aren't so widely seen anymore. Trying to learn about Linux from the Bach book would be like trying to navigate from New York to LA using a road atlas from about 1935 -- even though some of it is sort of close to accurate from a sort of high-level view, when you get very detailed at all, enough of it is far enough wrong that you'd be mostly lost most of the time.

Jerry Coffin