



Hi..I am implementing a silverlight application in that I need to read a folder which has images in it. That folder is in my local machine. I want to access that folder to my silverlight code behind.After that i want to load all those images into Listbox control( or any other control to display images one by one. ) to display them one by one. Here I have next and previous buttons to move images.

+1  A: 

You can access local files in Silverlight 4 if running as a trusted application, but not in Silverlight 3 without user interaction.

Note also "you can access only files in user folders, specifically the MyDocuments, MyMusic, MyPictures, and MyVideos folders. "

Stuart Dunkeld

Nope you can't do this, you would need SL4 OOB with Elevated Trust to be able to this.
