To add to Cory's answer to the above. First add:
to your library's compiler settings (next to the "-locale en_US" in "Additional Compiler Arguments"). Then use this quickie library:
package ddd
public class Stack
protected static function str(val:*):String
if( val == null ) return "<null>";
if( val == undefined ) return "<undefined>";
return val.toString();
protected static var removeAt :RegExp = /^\s*at\s*/i;
protected static var matchFile:RegExp = /[(][)][\[][^:]*?:[0-9]+[\]]\s*$/i;
protected static var trimFile :RegExp = /[()\[\]\s]*/ig;
/* Must maintain number of stack levels, so that _stack can assume the 4th line of getStackTrace */
private static function _stack( msg:String="", ...params ):String
var s :String = new Error().getStackTrace();
var func:String = "??";
var file:String = "??";
var args:String = null;
func = s.split("\n")[4];
func = func.replace( removeAt, "" );
var farr:Array = func.match( matchFile );
if( farr != null && farr.length > 0 ) file = farr[0].replace( trimFile, "" );
func = func.replace( matchFile, "" );
for each( var param:* in params )
args = ( args == null ? "" : args.concat(",") );
args = args.concat( str(param) );
return func + "(" + (args==null?"":args) + ")" + ( (msg!=null && msg!="") ? ":"+msg : "" ) + " at " + file;
/* Must maintain number of stack levels, so that _stack can assume the 4th line of getStackTrace */
public static function stack( msg:String="", ...params ):String
params.unshift( msg );
return _stack.apply( null, params );
/* Must maintain number of stack levels, so that _stack can assume the 4th line of getStackTrace */
public static function pstack( msg:String="", ...params ):void
CONFIG::debugging {
trace( _stack.apply( null, params ) );
And then you can just call:
inside any function to print the stack location at that point, which looks like this:
package::classname/function() at /wherever/src/package/classname.mxml:999
Just remember to turn debugging to false before compiling for production, and all that will be left is an empty pstack call that does nothing - the guts will be conditional-compiled out.