




Why is it that when my Silverlight project is built, the output directory contains a bunch of culture specific directories:

  • ar\System.Windows.Controls.resources.dll
  • bg\System.Windows.Controls.resources.dll
  • ca\System.Windows.Controls.resources.dll
  • etc etc etc

Also the root of the build output contains:

  • System.Xml.Linq.dll
  • System.windows.Controls.dll

I have gone through the projects in my solution and made sure that "Copy Local" is set to false for all the referances of the mentioned dll files. Those 2 files were set to true, but I did switch them to false. Despite my effort to google an answer, I remain stuck.


You have dependent libraries or DLLs or references that expect these SDK assemblies.

Those directories contain the language-specific resource files and will be there if the System.Windows.Controls assembly is included in any way in any part of your project or its dependencies.

Jeff Wilcox
I have a custom message window control that is sub classed from System.Windows.Controls.ChildWindow. I really do not need all those language specific resources.
Apparently I missed some of the referenced assemblies that were set to copy local true. It is building correctly now, with only dll's and debug info being generated.

Double check that ALL REFERENCED ASSEMBLIES are set to copy local false.
