I have some strange problem with CATransactions nested:
- (void) setXShift:(int)newShift;
[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setAnimationDuration_c:1]; //1
if(newShift > 0 &&
image.x < image2.x &&
image.x <= 0 &&
image.x > -image.w + 800)
[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setAnimationDuration_c:0]; //2
image2.x = image.x - image.w; //3
[CATransaction commit];
xShift = newShift;
image.x += xShift;
image2.x += xShift;
xShift = 0;
[CATransaction commit];
Animation marked as (3) should go on for 0 seconds (2), but insted it goes on for 1 second (1). I have no idea why, I've never had problems with that...
PS. CATransaction setAnimationDuration_c: is just a shortcut for [CATransaction setValue: forKey:kCATransactionAnimationDuration];
Any ideas?