




I have 3 Models, the TaggedObject has a GenericRelation with the ObjectTagBridge. And the ObjectTagBridge has a ForeignKey to the Tag Model.

class TaggedObject(models.Model):
        class that represent a tagged object
    tags = generic.GenericRelation('ObjectTagBridge',
                                   blank=True, null=True)

class ObjectTagBridge(models.Model):
        Help to connect a generic object to a Tag.
    # pylint: disable-msg=W0232,R0903
    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
    object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
    tag = models.ForeignKey('Tag')

class Tag(models.Model):

when I am attaching a Tag to an Object, I am creating a new ObjectTagBridge and set its ForeignKey tag to the Tag I want to attach. That is working fine, and I can get all Tags that I attached to my Object very easy. But when I want to get (filter) all Objects that have Tag1 and Tag2 I tried to something like this:

query = Q(tags__tag=Tag1) & Q(tags__tag=Tag2)
object_list = TaggedObjects.filter(query)

but now my object_list is empty, because it is looking for TaggedObjects that have one ObjectTagBridge with 2 tag objects, the first with Tag1 and the second with Tag2.

I my application will be more complex Q queries than this one, so I think I need a solution with this Q object. In fact any combination of binary conjunctions, like: (...) and ( (...) or not(...))

How can I filter this correctly? Every answer is welcome, maybe there is also a different way do achieve this.

thx for your help!!!


It looks like you are trying to manually implement a Many-to-Many table and then combine that with a generic relation. A better approach might be to let Django handle the M2M for you, and just have it represented on the generic relationship like so:

class TaggedObject(models.Model):
        Help to connect a generic object to a Tag.
    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
    object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
    tags = models.ManyToManyField('Tag')

class Tag(models.Model):

This should let you do what you were trying to do...

objects = TaggedObject.objects.filter(
    Q(tags=Tag1) & Q(tags=Tag2)
T. Stone
thx. but in my case i need also to attach additional information to the tag <-> object relation so i need the extra table. Another advantage of this approach is, that i can create multiple classes, that inherit from TaggedObject, and from the view from the Tag it is no difference which Object is tagged.

If the result you are looking for is a TaggedObject with Tag1 and Tag2, consider querying the TaggedObject instead of querying the ObjectTagBridge. This is what that query might look like:

results = TaggedObject.objects.filter(objecttagbridge__tag = Tag1).filter(objecttagbridge__tag = Tag2)

Essentially we are conducting two filters. Only objects with both Tag1 and Tag2 will pass the filtering criteria and be a part of the result set.

Mathieu Steele
yeah, you are right. I hoped to that I could do that with the Q object. In that case I could use the same filter for different TaggedObjects. I rewrote my API and implemented it in that way. THX