



Is there a way to automatically grab the rules, in their original, human readable format from an InfoPath 2007 form (probably the manifest.xsf file, they're not human readable here)? A commercial tool would be fine, even. We're looking to build a summary of the rules as they appear in the design form for easy browsing by a maintenance team.

+2  A: 

There is the Logic Instpector built in to InfoPath that displays a page that lists all the rules, data validation, calculated default values, etc. It can be found under Tools -> Logic Inspector. Unfortunalty, other than pressing the Print button in the top left corner and printing to PDF I see no other way of exporting this information from within infopath.

To get the same sort of info collected into a report format I susspect that you will have to extract the files from the XSN and extract the default values, rules etc.

As for commertial tool a possibility is the qDabra Rules.
I have not used it at all and am not sure if it does export the rules to a human readable format but it should point you in the right direction (I hope)

Nathan Fisher
The rules are in the manifest but they've been converted to XPath queries. I'll check out qDabra, thank you.

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