




Hi everybody,

I want to make a list view with possibility to draw widget like picture or set widget in rows of this list view. I need those "widgets" able to locate themselfs more than one row.

I'm new in Qt and I want to know how I possibly can do this. The example of my aim is something like memos in calendar, when it displays whole day with time listed from top to the bottom. I want to do something alike http://rghost.ru/1492912/image.png. Sorry I can't upload pictres with my low reputetion score .

Thank you

+2  A: 

Hi Sint,

I would suggest using a QGraphicsScene and -View for that, not a ListView. Qt's Graphics-Framework is very powerful, though it may seem complex at first. Read the class documentation for those two, go into some of the examples - it's worth it.

There even is a QGraphicsWidget class, if you really want to use widgets... :)

Have fun, Robin
