



Hi all,

I have the following codes in my page.

The style variable holds the custom style.

  <cfchart chartheight="450" chartwidth="550" gridlines="9"   yaxistitle="Score" scalefrom="20" scaleto="100" style="#style#"   format="png" >
         <cfchartseries query="variables.chart_query" type="scatter"   seriescolor="##000000" itemcolumn="MyItem" valuecolumn="MyScore"/>

Before I begin, please go to This is how I want my report to come up. On the x-axis, there will always be three items as long as at least one of them has values. If an item does not have any values (i.e. 2010), there would not be a marker in the chart.

The problem occurs only when only one item has value. Please see As you can see, 2008 and 2010 do not have any values; y-axis is now scaled from 0 to 100. I have tried setting one of the items (ex. 2008) a value of 0 or something off the chart; it would scale according to this off-the-chart value and the 2009 value. In short, I have to have at least two items with values between 20 and 100 in order for cfchart to scale from 20 to 100.

My question is, how can I correct the issue so that cfchart would ALWAYS scale from 20 to 100? I am running CF9.

Thanks in advance, Monte


Hate to be a pest but may I ask if anyone has a clue why this is happening?

Monte Chan
This should really be a comment, or an edit to the original question to bump it. Anwyay... I don't use cfchart so can't help, but have you tried asking at houseoffusion?
Peter Boughton
I have asked this question on Houseoffusion, ColdFusion forum at Adobe site, and on here. Nobody seems to have any answers to this.
Monte Chan