





Iam looking for a php parser that can do this.

{tag} Replace the tag with text comming from a function

{tag(params)} It must support params

{tag({tag(params)},{tag(params)})} It must support nesting



} It must support Tests

{$tag=value} It must support varriables

Do anyone of you know of an parser that can do this?

Or maby you know how i can create one. I have tryed to do this with preg, but it seems impossible to create nesting.

Smarty seems to be a bit to big, and i dont know if you can disable all the extra functionality it has. I only need the functionality that i have listet over. In smarty your able to write php code and i dont like that. {php} {/php} So if iam going to use that i need to be able to turn it of.

(Iam going to use it with codeigniter.)


To incorporate nesting in your regular expressions you have to use recursive patterns (?R). This matches whole pattern.

To find outermost {}-s in text (possibly with some other {} inside of them) you should use expression like this:


You can read about (?R) here: http://pl2.php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.recursive.php

There is a construct {((?>[^{}]+)|(?R))*} suggested there. Maybe more efficient than the one I built.

Kamil Szot

I would just go with Smarty3. Why reinvent the wheel when someone already did years of development, testing and optimization for you?

In Smarty3 {php} tag is disabled by default. It also supports security policies where you can disable php function calls and such if you are letting users modify your templates.


CodeIgniter did this very well before introducing it's built-in templating. CodeIgniter view templates used to be written simply in PHP and thus you were free to use any PHP features you wish: call structures, function calls and more.

I recommend you simply use the View instead of the Template Parser.
