




Hi there I expose my problem, but first I ask you one example otherwise you will understand why, In VB6 when surfing the site and google example I set the textbox the value "Test" and then click on commandbotton I just enter the source webbrowser1.document.all ("g"). value = "Test" WebBrowser1.document.all ("btnG"). Click**

I would do the same with the vb.Net but I can not, I'd be happy to accept your advice. Thanks in advance


I'm not sure if I understand exactly but this might do what you want:

WebBrowser1.Url = New Uri(String.Format("http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&q={0}", txtBox1.Text))
this is not what I tried, Another example I post a CommandButton and a web browser by clicking on the textbox CommandButton google should enter "test" textbox in google (search bar).In short I have to insert the word "Test" in the google search bar
Still don't understand the difference. If you have the `txtBox1` control in your form and the user enter the word "test" in there and the click the button that calls the code I wrote above it should open www.google.co.uk and automatically search for "test" and the word test does appear in the search box on the google page.

It probably ought to look similar to this:

  Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    WebBrowser1.Document.All("g").InnerText = "Test"
  End Sub
Hans Passant
Very nice, thank you