




i m starting a new project that would basically take input from user and save them to database among about 30 screens, and i would like to find a framework that will allow the maximum number of these features out of the box :

  • .net c#.
  • windows form.
  • unit testing
  • continuous integration
  • logging
  • screens with lists, combo boxes, text boxes, add, delete, save, cancel that are easy to update when you add a property to your classes or a field to your database.
  • auto completion on controls to help user find its way
  • use of an orm like nhibernate
  • easy multithreading and display of wait screens for user
  • easy undo redo
  • tabbed child windows
  • search forms
  • ability to grant access to some functionnalities according to user profiles
  • mvp/mvvm or whatever design patterns
  • either some code generation from database to c# classe or generation of database schema from c# classes
  • some kind of database versioning / upgrade to easily update database when i release patches to application once in production
  • automatic control resizing
  • code metrics analysis
  • some code generator i can use against my entities that would generate some rough form i can rearrange after
  • code documentation generator
  • ...

At this point i have 3 options :

  • Build from scratch on top of clr :(
  • Find functionnalities among several open source framework and use them as a stack for infrastucture
  • Find a "software factory"

I know its lot but i really would like to use existing code to build upon so i can focus on business rules.

What open source tools would u use to achieve these ?

About software factories, is there any free one ? Open source is not mandatory but would be nice.

+2  A: 

Judging from your list you are looking for a 4GL language (if it should be .Net e.g. PowerBuilder or DataWindow .NET).

There is no "framework" that could do that.

I gave a look at DataWindow.NET and it seems to fullfill my needs.Have u tried it ?
alfredo dobrekk
+1  A: 

Have you looked at DevExpress eXpressApp Framework?

It will not do everything you have on your list, but it is a framework which allows you to create applications of a particular format pretty fast, with full C# and .NET programmability. Think of it like a sort of type of framework.

Lasse V. Karlsen
Watching the tutorials video now, i wonder have long it would take to add a screen targeting a new business entity once all the infrastucture has been set up. Fast developpement is one thing, easy maintenance is another.
alfredo dobrekk