



Very annoying problem. I have developed a freeTTS application of the freetts class that write captured audio to file however I am having some very annoying problems. When setting the audio player to singlefileaudio player I try to also set the audioformat with my own default values for sampleRate, sampleSizeInBits, channels, signed and bigEndian. Now I access AudioPlayer.get methods to show these values in runtime just to ensure they are set to what I set them and they match those values. However when file writing completes and I check the properties of the resulting wave file, they are set to the audioPlayer default settings.

Normally this will be fine except I have to read the files into another application which has fixed audio property settings so I always get a resulting output that sounds like am fast forwarding the sound and listening to it at the same time. Obviously because of the different sampling rates.

I need help please. Thanx, Henry