



I am using Symfony 1.3.2 on Ubuntu 9.10

I want to set the default value of a textarea widget, with data read froma adb.

My code snippet in the template looks likes this:

<?php $form['notes']->render(); ?>

The API docs dont show how to do this - does anyone know how to do this?

+2  A: 

You can use this in your action or the form class:

$this->form = new yourForm(); // If its in your action

$text = // data for prepopulating field, from db or anywhere

$this->form->setDefault('notes', $text);

... or if you've got multiple fields:

$this->form->setDefaults(array('notes' => $text, 'more_notes' => $more_text));

Or if you prefer declaring it just once with the widget in your form class configuration (I think this is right):

  // widgets
  'notes' => new sfWidgetFormTextArea(array('default' => $text)),
  // widgets
Tom: Thanks! that did it (I have struggled with this problem)