



What is recommended tutorial of F# for Haskell programmer? F# seems to borrow a lot from Haskell but there are little traps which makes hard to write.

Generally I need walkthrough the F# which would not explain what is the difference between mutable data and immutable (Haskell is much more strict in this area) etc.

I know C# a little so I know more or less what .Net is about as well.

+4  A: 


The F# Survival Guide

F# Wiki Book

Good books:

Programming F# for beginners

Expert F# for those who already write simple F# programs

Yin Zhu
I'm not saying that they are bad books/sources but they have kind of different approach. I not a person who thinks in terms of `for` loops but someone who needs to know how to rewrite `intercalate "." . map show` into F# (problem which was mentioned by Brian).
Maciej Piechotka
+8  A: 

Since you will already know 90% of the concepts, I would just focus on the syntax, and read e.g. the F# Language Reference on an as-needed basis. Pick a few basic tasks for yourself, try to code them up, use the reference to get un-stuck, and ask questions here when you get really stuck.

(You won't find many docs aimed at you, since the "I know Haskell, but not ML or F#" set of people is much much smaller than the "I know C#, but not Haskell, ML, or F#" group.)

(You might also consider picking and choosing from my blog; I write both beginner stuff and advanced stuff.)

Thanks. I was a bit afraid of reading language reference but as far it was most valuable resource written in very good style.
Maciej Piechotka