




I am wondering what are the best community resources for MFC development- such as forums, IRC channels, etc. Currently the only resource I have for finding answered questions on MFC is using google which comes up with Codeproject results or the occasional result on MSDN or some other web page. Now that there is stackoverflow I am sure I will be asking more questions here, but else am I missing?

+2  A: 

MVP Tips is a treasure trove of articles and information that relate to visual c++ and MFC. There's not much out there beyond codeplex and the Microsoft news groups/forums

Aaron Fischer
+2  A: 
Martin Beckett

irc #winprog on efnet

+2  A: 

You should also look at the microsoft.public.vc.mfc and microsoft.public.vc.language newsgroups, and the Visual C++ General and Visual C++ Language forums on MSDN, where there are some highly knowledgeable and helpful people. (It's a shame the MSDN forums aren't better designed - they should take a close look at StackOverflow.)
