I'm a python newbie so I apologize in advance if this question has been asked before.
I am building out an application in GAE and need to generate a report that contains the values for a user-defined subset of fields.
For example, in my db model, CrashReport, I have the following fields:
- entry_type
- entry_date
- instance_id
- build_id
- crash_text
- machine_info
I present a user with the above list as a checkbox group from which they select. Whichever fields the user selects, I then create a report showing all the values in the datastore, but only for the fields that they selected. For example, if from the above list, the user selects the build_id and crash_text fields, the output might look like this:
build_id crash_text
0.8.2 blown gasket
0.8.2 flat tire
0.8.1 crack
So the question is, how exactly do I only access the values for the fields which the user has defined?