




I'm starting to re-skill myself in Desktop applications. I've been doing Web applications for a few years now.

I've got come decent C# books that I am going through, but they are more like language references. What I would like is a list/site/book with practical exercises, preferably graded in terms of difficulty.

They don't necessarily have to be from a C# site, either, but that would of course be advantageous.

Do you know of any resources like this?


There are a lot of good C# tutorials on C# Practical Learning, ranging across several topics.

I also recommend Head First C# if you want to try a non-reference book.

Bill the Lizard
+1  A: 

On the topic of learning C# language itself and the runtime, I would recommend the Learn C# section on the MSDN. There are links to lot of articles and trining materials abtou C#. You can combine this with Jesse Liberty's Learning C# 3.0.

On the topic of desktop programming, the answer depends on what platform you would like to use.

If you want to target WPF, I'd recommend Petzold's Applications = Data + Markup. (As a side note, learning WPF would give you the basis to learning about RIA with Silverlight)

If you want to target WinForms... well, I am biased and would recommend against. But if you insist, Petzold's Programming Microsoft Windows Forms is another good book. :-) Chris Sells' Windows Forms 2.0 Programming also is very good book about WinForms.

The WindowsClient.net Get Started and Learn sections have a lot of training videos, articles, FAQ and samples for both WinForms and WPF. The Community Books section also has an extensive list of books on both technologies.

Franci Penov
For WPF I'd disagree on the book recommendation. Petzold's book is too much of a giant monolith for someone new to desktop applications to find useful. Petzold obviously has immense knowledge on the subject, but he's really not the easiest author to read. ;)