



Does anyone have a no JavaScript way to make HTML radio buttons belonging to the same "group" have different "name" attributes?

While I figure there isn't any way, I'm working on a site which needs to still be function when JS is off, and this would be ideal.


It's not a requirement as much as a preference; there's a kind of consistency in the solution I'm trying to respect about the format and naming of parameters which get POSTed. Of course, if need be, I'll ditch it, but if I can make it work I'll get that warm fuzzy feeling...

+1  A: 

According to the HTML 4.01 spec, the name defines the group, so no, I don't think there'll be a non-JavaScript way to do this.

What are you trying to achieve such that you need radio buttons with different name attributes to be considered as part of the same group? Can you use the id or class attributes to differentiate them for whatever you're trying to do?

Chris Schmich