



I have an interview I'm prepping for, I've written A LOT of code, specifically in C# and ASP.NET.

I've written fair amounts of JavaScript, but no OO stuff in it. So I'm definately going to brush up on that.

I remember for a previous job interview, I was asked Java questions, like not super intricate, but detailed stuff.

Now I'm looking for a book maybe that I can read through in a day (or two) and known all the crannies of C#, ASP.NET and JavaScript. Different books obviously

I'll be honest, for the Java interview, I actually read The J2EE certification book, and it helped A LOT!

+2  A: 

I wouldn't try to cram by reading books (although obviously I'm flattered that you think C# in Depth is worth reading). If you're confident in your code, you might want to practise for the interview simply by answering questions here. In particular you'll be practising:

  • Understanding questions and asking for more information where appropriate. (Sometimes interview questions are deliberately vague to see if you'll ask for more detailed requirements.)
  • Problem solving
  • Communicating your answer effectively

Alternatively, TopCoder (and similar sites) would be good for just limbering up your brain for problem solving.

I've never been much of a fan of cramming for interviews, to be honest. I suspect that a good night's sleep and as relaxed a state of mind as possible is more likely to stand you in good stead than hoping that they happen to ask you a fact you revised the day before.

Jon Skeet