




Hi ,

I need a help for one thing :

this is my jQuery idea:

        var text = "Some Text1, Some Text2, Some Text3";

        $("h3:contains('"+even one of  this string+"')").each(function() {
                $(this).append("<span>Some Text</span>");

This is My HTML

            <h3 class="test1">Some Text2</h3>

            <h3 class="test1">Some Text1</h3>

            <h3 class="test3">Another Text</h3>

What I want in OUTPUT:

             <h3 class="test1">
                 Some Text2
                <span>Some Text</span>

            <h3 class="test1">
                Some Text1
                <span>Some Text</span>

            <h3 class="test3">Another Text</h3>


+1  A: 

You want:

$("h3:contains('Some Text1'), h3:contains('Some Text2'), h3:contains('Some Text3')").each(function() {
            $(this).append("<span>Some Text</span>");


In response to OP comment, note, you can do the following:

var text = "Some Text1, Some Text2, Some Text3";

text.replace(/\s?([^,]+?)(,)|\s([^,]+?)$/g, "h3:contains('$1$3')$2");

To generate your element list.

Then you do:

var text = "Some Text1, Some Text2, Some Text3";

text.replace(/\s?([^,]+?)(,)|\s([^,]+?)$/g, "h3:contains('$1$3')$2");

$(text).each(function() {
            $(this).append("<span>Some Text</span>");

This will replace all of the comma separated terms by the term itself surrounded by h3:contains(' and '). These will be separated by commas in the same manner as the original string.

Jonathan Fingland
it can be hundredth of text
Alexander Corotchi

The simple solution if you know your strings ahead of time would be to use multiple selectors like so:

$("h3:contains('Some Text1'), h3:contains('Some Text2'), h3:contains('Some Text3')").each(function() {
    $(this).append("<span>Some Text</span>");

duplicated: you may want to see this question.

also see the comments on this page.

+4  A: 
var text = "Some Text1, Some Text2, Some Text3";

var aText = text.split(","); //splits into array on comma delimiter

for (var i = 0; i < aText.length; i++) {
    $("h3:contains('" + aText[i] + "')").each(function() {
        $(this).append("<span>Some Text</span>");


This ought to work for you (but unclear if you can break in/out of the selector string like that. Let me know if it's good.

Alex Mcp
+2  A: 

quick jQuery

var text = "Some Text1, Some Text2, Some Text3";

  $(text.split(", ")).each(function(i,v){
    $('h3:contains("'+ v +'")').append('<span>Some text</span>');

quick demo

+3  A: 

Just iterate through the headings and do a regexp match on $(this).text(). You can even make this into a custom selector if you really want:

$.extend($.expr[':'], {
  matches: function(node, index, args, stack) {
    var re = new RegExp(args[3]);
    return !!$(node).text().match(re);

$(function() {
  $('h3:matches("Some Text[123]")').each(function() {
    $(this).append("<span>Some Text</span>");