+1  A: 

I will hazard a guess that you have this in your code:

public static final String KEY_DOWNLOADED = "downloaded";

The reason for the error message is that...

table audios has no column named downloaded

Really. It doesn't, just as the error message says.

If you re-read your table-creation SQL, you'll notice that the column name is actually download, not downloaded.

So correct your code to use the correct column name and you should be set. Note that correcting the code could mean either:

  1. changing the column name in your table to be downloaded instead of just download. Personally I would go with this one, unless you have lots of other code already using download, since download in my mind is either a download or to download, not has been downloaded, but it really depends on its actual meaning
  2. changing the column name in the SQL that accesses the table to use the same column name as the table
Lasse V. Karlsen
Was about to post this. Good catch Lasse.
Sometimes, error messages are actually useful :)
Lasse V. Karlsen
Yeah and I am an idiot. I will go and hide somewhere now in shame. :-)
.... and I missed the answer and deleted the question. :-( Now I am a two-folded idiot. :-)
I rolled it back, if you still want it deleted, post a comment below mine on your question. However, it was a perfectly valid question, even though it was also a lesson in humility :) Also, you should accept my answer (or ideally wait a bit to see if someone else posts a better one and accept theirs) if you feel it answered your question (or put you on the right track). This gives back to the community and in time will benefit you as well.
Lasse V. Karlsen
Hah. Yep indeed. :-)